Shoalhaven solar installer warns of job losses

Local jobs will go if the Abbott government decides to make cuts to its renewable energy scheme, according to Shoalhaven’s largest solar panel installer.

Mark Simms, who has built his Nowra-based company Simmark up to employ 14 staff, said the solar industry was stable and sustainable as it is now.

“It’s great for local businesses because the price of the panels has come down far enough that it’s now a viable option for everybody in the Shoalhaven to try to help with their power bills,” he said.

“But if the Abbott government removes or even reduces the RET down to a 10 kilowatt system we would still lose three staff and that will be the same in this industry all around Australia.

“Imagine how many people that will leave unemployed. It’s just crazy.”

Shoalhaven solar installer warns of job losses | South Coast Register.